Factus Fargin' Est
It’s done. The Gallery Book is done and it's gone. After this, revisions and corrections and additions and subtractions, but it’s finished. It feels peculiar, and somehow backwards, to print off a website so it can be reproduced on paper, loaded on to trucks, delivered around the country and placed on shelves. Seems like a lot of work involved. Seems like a lot of hands to pay. Seems like a lot of friction going on. But it’s worth it, because this is how you make money off something: you don’t give it away for free.

I know that’s oldthink, but I’m a traditionalist.

Monday night - column night, so this is short. I’m having fun with this column; it’s on the Green party platform. A neighbor has a Nader sticker on his car, and I wonder if he knows that the Green platform wants to take away his car, his house, and his job. But in return, he’d get - industrial hemp!

“Hi there. I’m Bob Johnson. I used to be a manager at a small machine tool company. Had a nice house, a couple of cars, a family, and a dog. We recycled, tried to live light on the land, and did our part for a sustainable future and a fair progressive society. That’s why I voted Green. And now that we’re living in this small communal flat with 40 other couples, I can honestly say that I don’t miss the freedom, the mobility, the privacy, or the range of choices and opportunities I once had, because I have three T-shirts made of hemp fiber.”

What a joke. Fer chrissakes, the platform doesn’t just advocate breaking up big businesses, but it wants to break up small businesses as well. And they want to replace prime-time TV with cable access: “Re-appropriate 6 prime-time hours a day of commercial broadcast time on each station for real public service broadcasting: ad-free children's and news/public affairs programming.” Oh, can’t wait for that. Mandatory cable-access. Here’s your new schedule:

4 - 5 PM: Cartoon hour. Today: Tom and Jerry mend their differences through mediation and visualized peace-based scenarios.

5 - 6: PETA presents the Dinnertime Parade of Slaughterhouse Horrors

7 - 10: Blurry, underlit video of people with tremendous BO talking about atheism in Ethiopia.


Since this is a short Bleat, a little visual treat. A screendump from buyroad.com, an e-commerce site I visited. This is why most of these sites fail. Note the broad range of merchandise.

Yes, it’s your one-stop shop for pillows, graperoot and eagles.

Back to work.
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