
What could be more seasonal than Homer and Jinglepixie sharing a tender moment? Rudolph and Santa on an ICBM, perhaps. i don't know how Santa expects to put that thing on a roof. No one's steering; no landing gear or retro-rockets are in evidence, and the engines are still engaged. That thing's going to take out a city block.

This begins the annual year-end hiatus. I wish I could say I’d be in Arizona enjoying actual sun, but no. Pale and shivering I shall be. Buzz.mn will be up with sporadic postings, of course – in fact there’s more Christmas stuff there now, including an old Lionel Barrymore Christmas Carol and a Lance Lawson Christmas mystery. (Don’t look for the solution in the old Lance site, because it’s been removed.)


The Diner’s annual Christmas episode continues our attempt to burn through as many clichés as we can. Below, some songs: Anna-Maria Alberghetti gives a sprightly reading to “Caroling, Caroling.” Kay Kyser's "Hello Mr. Kringle" showcases many popular stars of the era, now forgotten. Maurice Chevalier sing-talks his way though Zholly Oeul Sah Neecolas; this is what I grew up on, and cannot imagine the song any other way. Susie wants a sled! Yes! Zhonny wanz a peechure boook! Yallow bloo an red! Yes!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! The Bleat recommences January 2. See you then.