The last of the warm days? Who knows. I run into people who don't like the 80s, and say it should be fall! Cozy time with sweaters and nutmeg-flavored beverages!

Okay. Got it. But we have six months of that ahead. Give us green and glorious types our last long look.

Interesting night - ended up on the keyboards coming up with something, and maybe I'll release it Friday, in all its myriad inadequacies. For now let's go Hunt. And Gather.

Banner above: this is . . . who? Took me a while, I'll admit. She looked familiar, and there had to be a reason she was on a plate.

A reverse Google Image search turned up that exact plate, with a name. Of course! It's Martha.

Late 60s / early 70s ads were full of saucy women who pointed.

If Lowe’s wasn’t for you - too vulgar! the desert hats are too uncomfortabe! - maybe this was more your style.

That’s not Elmer.

The Actual Elmer gave out pens, too.

El Paso, Illinois? Really. I'll have to wander by there via Google soon.

“Asian” kitsch.

This would go well in those pseudo-Asian designs we saw in the 1950s interior section.

30 seconds of Dorothy doing a cringe dance in the Emerald City


Tik-Tok is a fictional "mechanical man" from the Oz books by American author L. Frank Baum. He has been termed "the prototype robot", and is widely considered to be one of the first robots (preceded by Edward S. Ellis' Huge Hunter, or The Steam Man of the Prairies, in 1868) to appear in modern literature, though the term "Robot" was not used until the 1920s, in the play R.U.R.

Rossum’s Universal, yes. But if Tik-Tok was one of the first robots . . . then what the hell was the Tin Woodsman?

Baum emphasized that the Tin Woodman remains alive, in contrast to the windup mechanical man Tik-Tok that Dorothy meets in a later book. Nick Chopper was not turned into a machine, but rather had his flesh body replaced by a metal one. Far from missing his original existence, the Tin Woodman is proud (perhaps too proud) of his untiring tin body.

Some unexpected work of John Brassefort:


  1957 - 1959

Private mysteries, waiting for the beam of light.

Clear Lake, Iowa, 1958. A year before Buddy Holly's death in the fields.


Slides! Remember last time? Let's look at some more!

That’s here.

This looks like a still from an early 70s movie, no?

Red Deer float:

I’m not even going to try to find that location. The float says Red Deer, a city in Alberta CA. So it's Edmonton, perhaps.

A corporate exhibit on new products, or a suggested display - it’s as inscrutable as it is dull, and the only thing that’s notable is that we here at the Bleat are the first to see this boring image in decades.

Whoever took the picture never thought it would end up here. They didn’t even know what “here” would be.

Whoever this was, I like their eye:

It's like someone went through an interdimensional passage and ended up on another planet.

And now, the fun one: Ladies and Gentlemen, I know exactly where this was.

From cruiseshipodyssey, these details. (I added the watermark since it was removed when I cropped.

But I think it's really the other side, so if you're facing towards this view, you turn around.

How do I know? The name of the ship is in the slide.




It’s 1965.

Standard design for the times, and good for the Fergus Falls paper for keeping up with new ideas.

"Junta Said Smashed" was a one-hit club-groove group in 1998.

That’s a bit confusing:

But as you see, they went to tell her about her husband’s arrest, and found her dead. Subsequent story said he pled down to second-degree. He was described as an ex-con and a mental patient. He said he shot his wife because she was carrying on with another man. Her diary detailed her affair. He was 39; she was 19. He said she taunted him about the affair and called him an old man.

He got 40 years.

I remember this!

At least I remember Sealab. It was part of the Brave New Frontier world of science, and we probably had stories in the Weekly Scholastic about it.

SEALAB I, II, and III were experimental underwater habitats developed by the United States Navy in the 1960s to prove the viability of saturation diving and humans living in isolation for extended periods of time. The knowledge gained from the SEALAB expeditions helped advance the science of deep sea diving and rescue, and contributed to the understanding of the psychological and physiological strains humans can endure.

Surely space stations were next!

  It's just like a problem Jane Jetson would have, trying to make Pluto Pancakes!


  Well, they would, wouldn’t they

There’s no other way to look at it: UN participation is good and the UN is good and if you don’t agree you’re a BIRCHER. You know, those idiots who are just swamping every election.

This old-time phrase would fade in the 70s, I think. It’s meant to be the sort of thing you’d say over the cracker barrel, or down at the barbershop.

I've been to Pelican Lake. We went there sometimes for variety, or when Detroit Lakes got too crowded.

Everyone needed to know about the Gilbertson's business, didn't they?


Judy Jotting.

I wonder how many moms did this, or thought "I don't need you to tell me how to inspect my kid's clothes and I feel sorry for the women who do."

Papers abounded with these things. There’s also Heloise on the same page.



I’ll just leave this here, and let you puzzle over it.

And if you’ve figured that one out, here’s a real challenge.

We'll get around to that comic eventually.

Now two ways to chip in!

That'll do - see you around! Head over to 1960s Euroswank hotels to top off your visit. And thanks for the patronage.



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