Of course I am absolutely dying to try the Apple Vision. I am afraid of only one thing, and that’s being unwise enough to buy one. You know, on the Apple Card, payments stretching into the future for years until it’s paid off, and they release the cheaper one I really want.

You might recall when I spoke of using the Oculus Meta Thing, and how I had a bifurcated reaction: the immersion was fascinating, standing on top of a building and looking down was convincing, being in the ISS was neat, watching a movie was fun. That was the good part. The bad part was the heaviness, the absolute joke of the native “Meta” part where you meet other floating legless torsos and overheard conversation and beamed into “comedy clubs” with crappy video resolution and then went back to your imaginary base station to sit in a virtual chair and . . . browse the web? Above all, it was the isolation, the falseness, the suspicion that people who really really liked this were lacking something that well-adjusted people take for granted: the necessity of experiences exterior to the self.

The Apple device does not shut you off in the same way. Being able to see the world, and have other see your face - if only via reproduction - is the brilliant part. But note how quick things change: “via reproduction” is an acceptance of a falsehood as the cost of entry. Your children will see daddy’s face while he’s wearing it! Except they won’t.

Of course it will improve. The more it shrinks, the more the form factor recedes, the better for society. Because when people use it their heads will be up, not bent. We live in the age of bent necks.







I’ve made this assertion before: Alfred Hitchcock Presents is better than Twilight Zone. Less ambitious, perhaps, but less ridiculous, and never preachy. Twilight Zone clambered up on its high horse at every opportunity. Yes, I love Serling, and have great respect for him. The Thinking Man’s Gene Roddenberry, if you wish.

For example. A cruel outlaw is about to be hung. The necktie party:

Nice shot.

There’s this fellow, who I didn’t see because I was getting some peanuts. But I knew the voice right away. Hell of a way to run a hospital.

Here he is with a fellow who runs the inn where the strangers from the Valley come for Festival:

That's the thing about watching old TV shows: so many old familiar faces.

The time machine will show up in many shows . . .

And the Time Professor . . .

You all know what sound the high-tech equipment makes, don't you?

  Of course you do.

Anyway, Hitch. Right out of the date, another Star Trek guest actor:

You either know the voice of the guy on the left, or you don't. High and somewhat nasty:

Sometimes they take a break from People Who Would Be In Star Trek Someday, and go for actors with a long career who will be remembered mostly for a silly campy show:

Oh, and that's Hitchcock's daughter.

It might come down to this: Twilight Zone is despairing of humanity.

Alfred Hitchcock Presents is amused by humanity.




It’s 1915.

Better Dairy products are not to be found.

Better service has been empirically proven to be impossible to obtain.

“Quality Wanzer Service” sounds a bit naughty, to be honest.

The Schulze bread brand universe was double-dandy:

You wonder what the difference might be ‘twixt pan-dandy and big-dandy. This page says:

In this “Reading Eagle” article dated March 4 1911, the rules of a competition give a little insight into Pan-Dandy Bread:

“”PAN-DANDY” is a bread made from the very highest grade of flour, purest of lard and sugar, and also contains as one of its principal ingredients “Malt Extract” which is used for the purpose of giving added value to the strength-building qualities of this bread.”

I suspect the trademark was licensed to regional bakers. Same for Big Dandy, which appears all over the country.

Prima-Tonic, for malt-enhanced blood:

A nice serving tray, here.

Of course, it did nothing.

You usually don’t see banks named after a guy. Somehow that seems less safe than First National and the like.

The building shown in the illustration is not consistent with the structure on the southeast corner at the time, which would be the Tacoma Building.

First building by Holabird and Roche. Replaced in 1930 by a late-boom Moderne skyscraper. As for Mr. Greenbaum:

In 1877, he was indicted for committing fraud as treasurer of the West Chicago Park Commission, his banks were declared bankrupt, and he declared personal bankruptcy. In 1878, he was put on trial for embezzlement. That trial continued until early 1879 and fizzled out, but there was a congressional investigation that led to a second indictment in late 1879. That trial concluded in 1880 and found him not guilty, but by then he largely lost his previous standing and capital.

Guilty, or did he just have a good lawyer?

Mothers! Worry not. Jevne Candy will not harm your children. Behold, the swells eat it!

C. Jevne had a brother, Hans, who struck out for LA and founded a successful grocery store.

The building in the ad is 30 Michigan. A postwar renovation obliterated the details of the ground floor.

“One gift for all rather than a knick-knack for each.”

A nicely-curated assortment of Bent catalogues here.

We can show you anything but the product itself.

Men, don’t do this. Don’t. A gift certificate will do. You’re just not going to get the right one.

Ah the easy pace and carefree days of the past, before our hectic modern life made use lose our sense of holiday joy! Right? Well, no.

As I keep saying: they thought the pace of life was break-neck, the cities jammed and busy, the demands of business never-ending.

And they were probably right.

That'll do! Let us continue with the story of Hollywood's Crime-Fighting Sweetheart, the Black Cat.




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