At its peak, there were over 300 - but this matchbook is from the original. Wikipedia:

. . . also known as Beverly's Chicken in the Rough, is a fried chicken restaurant chain and former franchise. It was one of the earliest restaurant chain franchises in the United States.

The chain's logo was an image of a rooster smoking a cigar and carrying a golf clubThe chain also used a logo of "Chicken's Caddie", which depicted a chick acting as a golf caddie, stating "I'll gladly be fried for Chicken in the Rough”.

Chicken in the Rough was founded by Beverly and Rubye Osborne in 1936 in Oklahoma City, and the restaurant's specialty half-fried chicken dish was also created in 1936. The dish itself was also referred to as "Chicken in the Rough", and consisted of a half fried chicken, shoestring potatoes and a biscuit with honey.