Crispin Glover for President!

Actually, that’s a lady. Really. The caption says Juana Azurduy de Padilla, who was a revolutionary, fighting with her husband for Bolivian independance. As one google-translated biography page charmingly put it:

Ferocious and decided, it mounted to horse with the small Luisa and, meetings, were zambullieron in the river. They managed to arrive with life at the other border. The daughter new born was in charge of Anastasia Mamani, an India that took care of it during the rest of the years in which her mother continued fighting by American independence. In 1816 Juana and her husband, whom they had under his you order 6000 Indians, they surrounded the city of Chuquisaca for the second time. The realists managed to end the wall, and in Inkpots, Manuel Ascencio Padilla found the death.

The portrait shows a grim and indominable spirit, and you wonder if the hairstyle lent a nickname like “Creasehead Listener” or “She Who Hears A Fly Fart Across Town.”