Still with us, although faded. The reviews on TripAdvisor are generally good, although one person noted:

Black chips came out of faucet

Zoom in, and you'll see a pool.

One review said it should be bulldozed, and complained that there wasn't any coffee at 8:30 AM. The management responded, noting that they'd just taken over, but also:

We do provide hot coffee and hot water for tea or hot chocolate in the lobby beginning at 6:30 am. After a few trips for coffee that morning, our third pot was not quite finished brewing when you came back in again and I told you that it was almost done. Our ice machine was out when you arrived and we were waiting on repairman. I realize that you chose us online because of our budget friendly prices and again, I apologize that we were not all that you expected.

Maybe the next time you travel through our little town you will take a look again, but please be prepared to pay for your undisclosed pet next time.

Ooooh. Nice elbow.